ZEST Wisdom Circle for Women
The ZEST Wisdom Circle is a safe, sacred space to honour the beauty, strength, and vitality of women. When women gather in a circle, an energy dome is created.
Whatever is created in this energy dome is strong and enduring.

Outcomes You Can Expect:
- An opportunity to connect deeper
- Rebirth the life you want
- Experience heart to heart connection
- Realize the divine feminine in you.
- Reclaim your soul contract
At the ZEST Wisdom Circle you’ll:
- Learn to honour your beauty, strength and vitality
- Master your fears to open your heart
- Rise to higher levels of love and peace
- Gain clarity and focus for your ideal life
- Laugh, listen and embrace the ZESTY woman that you are…
I look forward to meeting you!
What are ‘Sacred Practices’?
Sacred describes something that is considered worthy of spiritual respect or devotion. It is an infusion of honouring practices in our life. We will be creating sacred space, and honouring each other and our time together as Sacred.
By the end of the ZEST Wisdom Circle…
You’ll have easily adapted and integrated the practices to fluidly upgrade your life.
You’ll feel grounded, powerful, solid and in charge of your life and your days.
You’ll know you can expand to create a life you love.
Linda Babulic
Shamanic Executive Life Coach • Speaker • Author •
Founder of ZEST Your Life | ZEST Your Business •
Creator of numerous courses and programs.
Many years were spent studying various ancient wisdom teachings from a variety of gurus and teachers. A vision quest in 2003 introduced me to formal shamanic studies.
That’s probably what attracted me to the ancient Goddess tradition.
In 2011, I hosted my first Wisdom Circles to prove and validate the content that I was writing for my book. I saw the women change right before my eyes. Lives were changed forever.
My #1 Int’l Best Seller ZEST Your Life–A Taste of Inner Wisdom is encoded with Ancient Wisdom Teachings.
And that brought me to gently integrate these Wisdom Teachings to Bring ZEST to today’s Woman. To courageously tap into their innate feminine strengths. They find their dreams, live a better life and they get my personal attention.
“I attended the ZEST Wisdom Circle on a day that I was feeling quite conflicted. By the end of the few hours, with Linda’s guidance, I learned that it’s okay to say ‘no.’ Ever since then, I have been listening to my internal voice and most importantly, saying ‘no’. I highly recommend the ZEST Wisdom Circle.”
~ Vicky Langton
“I wanted to write to say thank you for the last two Women’s Circles I attended. I was at a time of transition in my life and entered your group feeling emotional. You embraced me with strong open arms and coached me through my struggles. This helped me to see clearly what steps I had to make for myself moving forward in a positive fashion. Your intuition is very accurate and this helps to pinpoint and address the issues right away. You have created a fun, safe and open environment for women and I am very lucky to have found you! I look forward to more inspiring times with you.”
~ Jennifer Knight
“When I met Linda and joined her first ZEST session it was an intimate group. I immediately felt welcome and loved. There was no judgement on my situation that I was dealing with. In fact, it was justified and embraced. I cried the whole session whenever I spoke of my life challenges and transitions. It was a huge relief to be able to talk to like-minded women who understood and accepted me. Linda’s strong intuition got to the root of my problem quickly so we could talk it out and heal.
Linda was amazing at following up with me and seeing how I was doing. In just one session I gained the emotional strength to deal with the issues and insecurities I was dealing with at the time.
Today I have been spiritually stronger and thank Linda for all of her support.”
~ Jennifer Knight (second testimonial, months after attending)
“I loved my experience with ZEST Wisdom Circles. Linda creates a warm sense of connection within the group. She leads the discussion with a brilliant combination of strength, authenticity and vulnerability.
I felt I had an instant network of supportive women. I learned new ideas that I put to use immediately. It gave me just the push and confidence boost I needed. I am looking forward to the chance to go again.”
~ Colette Kaminsky, Founder of the Ottawa Women’s Leadership Network
A Workshop to Remember. “Linda is a conduit, helping women reconnect with their inner wisdom and intuitive powers, let go of the past, find and offer forgiveness, open up to life with love and trust, and most importantly, change their lives and mould them into the desired outcomes. Linda is a coach that shows women clear signposts toward a life of realized dreams.
Linda, a woman who exudes wisdom and formidable strength of spirit welcomes her workshop participants in an ambience filled with vibrations of warmth, trust and uplifting energy.”
~ Jana Begovic, author of “Poisonous Whispers”
“There is so much I took away from sharing with these groups of women, facilitated by Linda, than I ever would have received alone. It was a safe place to share, open up, laugh, cry and sometimes just listen. I have attended Linda’s speaking engagements, have read her book, ZEST Your Life, so I thought I knew what to expect from the ZEST Wisdom Circle. I was wrong; it was so much more.”
~ Tracy Jenks Wilson
Linda is available to provide wisdom teachings on the topics below plus
any area of the ZEST Your Life – A Taste of Inner Wisdom book.
The Wheel of Needs
Women and men each have eleven needs to complete their life.
Some of these we must fulfill for ourself, and
some of these must be fulfill from outside of ourself.
Sacred Moon Cycles
Ancient wisdom oral teaching of the four big 27 year moon cycles, and the 3 year small moon cycles.
Every 3 years we experience a chaotic journey.
Learn what it means, their effect on your life and why unresolved issues re-surface.
John Kennedy Jr., Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse all died at age 27…
Seven Secrets of Women with ZEST
1. Stand strong in their personal power
2. Don’t let fear stop them
3. Consciously direct their thoughts and feelings
4. Manage their time and agendas
5. Honor their dreams and desires
6. Take action to make a difference
7. Love their lives