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Wisdom Teachings

to Bring ZEST to Today’s Executive Woman

Leadership Training

Fulfilling the Yearning For Learning


The number one factor that defines an exceptional work environment? Opportunities to learn and grow. 

Whether you work alone, have staff or you have an employer, there’s a clear business case for upskilling and reskilling for yourself and those around you. Learning and development is no longer a “nice to have”, it is now the path to transformation. Investing in skills to learn, grow and thrive is the path to future success.

Many training courses are uninspired or unsuitable for what the organization, business and the people who work there need. Even worse, the training can be boring and the effect is temporary at best. Participants have told us that our programs and techniques ensure that they don’t forget it once they’ve left the session.

Our unique participant-centered process creates an environment for learning, which sets things in motion for change. And, change means results. Improving skills and building leadership practices that carry you and your organization forward.

Our training includes interactive exercises, graphics and videos. Activities, games and visuals are powerful ways to make content relevant to visual, tactical and auditory learners. Challenging participants to be thoughtful by helping them to dissolve obstacles preventing success.

Linda is a Learning & Development leader drawing from 25 years of experience training CEOs, managers and their staff in a range of industries.

On Demand Courses–Available Now

Values Exercise to Manifest your Dreams NOW!

Where and when do values start?

We are taught by our image makers’ values–what’s right and what’s wrong, how to treat others, etc.

From a very early age, values give direction and purpose to the way you spend each day, the choices you make, and the path you follow.

Values are the things that you believe are important in how you live and work. Values shape our priorities, our beliefs, our actions and they are reflected in our language.

“She taught me to put my priorities in order and ever since I have balance in my personal and professional life. I’m a lot happier, more organized and focused.” Joanne Clément

Powerful Juicy First Impression

You are perceived by how you project your energy.

You can learn to manage your energy to make a POWERFUL first impression every time.

COVID-19 has changed how we interact. Online virtual events are the norm and something as simple as a handshake is a thing of the past.

So, how do you introduce yourself in a way that adapts to this shift? Are you CONFIDENT that your First impression is the best reflection of YOU?

With POWERFUL JUICY FIRST IMPRESSION, you’ll be guided through my SIGNATURE process to avoid you EVER stumbling through your introduction again!

Stand Out🍊Get Noticed🍊AND Boost Your Business

Juicy Effective Conversation Techniques

A great number of problems are caused by faulty conversations. A thoughtless remark, a misread gesture, a sentence that lacks finesse or sensitivity, can change a meeting, a date, a gathering that is going smoothly into chaos and conflict. 

Misunderstanding and confusion costs time, money and energy.

Good communication is a necessary tool for every person, every organization and every relationship.

Juicy Effective Conversation Techniques to feel confident during any conversation:

  • Increase Clarity
  • Create Understanding
  • Stand in Your Power
  • Establish Your Road to Revenue

Courses, programs and talks:

  • Values Exercise to Manifest your Dreams NOW! ™
  • Juicy Effective Conversation Techniques ™
  • 3 Keys to Juicy Conversations Between Women & Men ©
  • How to Create Connection-The Spark That Builds Relationship ©
  • ROIT: Return on Invested Time ©
  • Powerful Juicy First Impression ©
  • How to Build an Effective Team of Volunteers ©

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Frequently Asked

Can these courses be customized for my work place?

Yes, courses are customized to solve your unique work place challenges.

Can these courses be taught in person?

Yes, while adhering to COVID-19 protocols Linda will personally deliver these courses.

What other courses are available?

Personal Appearance & Image

ROIT Return on Invested Time


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